At Positive Training we are committed to upholding the highest standards and behaviour. As such, we are guided by the following statements:

Commitment to human rights

We prioritise people supported in our approach and will be committed to upholding peoples Human Rights. All our practice and training will evidence this.

Commitment to Non-discriminatory Practice

We are committed to practice that is non-discriminatory. We are committed to continual learning and welcome advice or input with regards to our practice, materials and training deliver.

Commitment to cultural competence

We are committed to understanding and appreciating diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences in our training and practice.

Commitment to continuous improvement

We are committed to ongoing learning and growth to continually improve our training and services.

Commitment to safety

We commit to promoting physical and emotional safety for our employees, trainers and trainee’s. We commit to being able sign post to support services on all our training courses.

Commitment to Least Restrictive Practice

We are fully committed to promoting least restrictive practice, in our own practice, our training packages and in support of organisations like the Restraint Reduction Network

Our Team


Lead Care Trainer

Bobby is the Lead Trainer for all our care courses, he designs the course content and works with our customers to provide exactly what they require

Chris Pullar

Lead Fire and First aid Trainer

Chris currently works as Watch Manager of West Sussex’s Fire-Rescue Charity, which provides the exact same offering that our local service offers, but with a number of enhancements!